In dialog with the machine…

FitMech [EN]
3 min readFeb 23, 2021


Good Lean Management practices suggest that in case of a problem, involve people directly related to it in the process of solving it. Careful observation, supported by many years of practice and experience gained, allows you to generate a number of remedial measures, the quick implementation of which often protects the company against a catastrophe.

Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. We often lack precise data about the process. Mere observation and expert knowledge then become insufficient. There are many things we just don’t see. But others see them. And it’s not about people, but about … machines.

But how to get along with a machine that can’t talk. What if he can? What’s more — she has been doing it from the very beginning, since she appeared in your company. It sends you clear messages every day — it integrates data showing changes from the selected time period to show you exactly where the problem lies and what it is. Why is it not audible every day?

There is no translator.

What is content you don’t understand good for? To the trash. More problems pile up on the priority lists, and you still can’t get off the ground. There is no data that you will understand. You don’t have a translator. Without his support, these data will only be numbers. It will be difficult to make any use of them.

Tracking dozens of parameters will not work. There will be noise that will effectively distract you from the root causes of the problem. He stirs up. However, with the help of an interpreter, you will receive data from individual machine areas. He knows where to raise your ears. Where the specifics are spoken. And most importantly, the obtained data is able to aggregate, analyze and use it to prepare a report that allows you to make the most difficult decisions. Such a translator makes life easier.

How does it work in practice?

You stick the appropriate sensors on the machine yourself. These sensors connect to the WiFi network, sending the collected data (including performance, OEE, cycles, downtime, process bandwidth) to the computing cloud, which records every event. These events are then sent in real time to the operator panel (Google Play application), enabling him to categorize the cause of the deviation. Then they return to the cloud computing and are transformed into transparent reports by intelligent data processing algorithms.

The entire solution is intuitive and ready for quick, independent implementation. It does not require intervention in PLC controllers or the machine’s electrical systems. You can use it from the browser level on any device with access to the network, and you will export the collected data via API to external systems (MES, ERP, ASP).

Will this solution work for my company?

BigData, RPA, IoT, AI, Machine Learning — modern technology enchants us with the way of obtaining, dynamically processing and analyzing data, becoming an indispensable part of every enterprise. Whoever does not keep up with the revolution, will have to accept the failure — the collapse of the company due to rising operating costs or its incorporation into an organization that has previously managed to understand the members of its machine infrastructure.

If your company uses at least one machine in daily production, it is worth considering employing the said translator. Start using data and listening to what your production processes have to say. Find out what everyday production is like based on real-time data. Without hours of observation of machines and decisions made on the basis of the collected opinions of “experts”.

